Affordability – A Structure

Affordability provides a structure for directing, aligning, leading and managing an organization.  It provides a framework for action.  Each element provides a platform for assessing, designing, implementing and maintaining solutions for all aspects of an organization. The main “pillars” in […]

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Affordability – A Strategy

For the past 30-35 years, several strategies and stratagems for improving the performance of organizations have emerged.  I’ve been exposed to; The Baldrige Criteria, Re-Engineering, Balanced Scorecard, Lean, Six Sigma … and many others.  Affordability is a common sense strategy […]

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Affordability – Value and Cost

Affordability, with its triple aim and integration of Value, Customer and Cost, provides a foundation and framework for improving and pursuing continuous improvement of both products and services.  It also serves as a model for improving business, increasing competitiveness and […]

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