About Us

About Us

Our Primary Focus:

  • Leadership & Strategy
  • Performance Improvement

What we do …

  • For Organizations: Plans, Projects, Programs
  • For Individuals: Coach, Mentor, Develop
  • For Capability: Workshops, Seminars, Training

Recent Noteworthy Accomplishments

“Super Hornet” F/A-18 Defense Fighter Aircraft: 2007-2009

In the spring of 2007, Paul, along with a colleague, Dr. Beth Cudney, under the umbrella of the IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers), got invited to be involved with Northrop Grumman at its “Super Hornet” factory in El Segundo, California. The purpose of the project was to increase production speed, improve quality and reduce cost. After a couple of years of “leaning out” the production process, or termed locally, pursuing affordability, the results were remarkable.  Production speed and capacity increased by 50 percent, quality improved dramatically, and the overall cost of the jet was reduced by $5.1 million. In fact, on Sept. 14, 2010, then-Assistant Secretary of Defense Dr. Ashton Carter published a memo to all Department Acquisition Personnel citing the program as the way to accomplish Affordability in Acquisition. In the purchase of 124 aircraft in August 2010, the American taxpayer was saved more than $600 million. In fact, the plant that was scheduled to close in August 2010, is now planned to stay open until at least 2020.

MRAP 2007-2014

In 2006, due to the increasing threat of I.E.D.s in Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. Congress appropriated $55 billion to deploy 27,500 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (M.R.A.P.) vehicles into the war theatre. In August 2007, Paul was invited to serve the MRAP Program as a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt for several projects including; integration, fielding, deployment, strategy, problem solving, process improvement, logistics, battle damage/repair and retrograde. As one of several hundred members of the MRAP Program Team, success was realized through the protection and preservation of thousands of lives.

Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa

As the global economy continues to gain momentum, so does the need for problem solving, leadership and strategy, and performance improvement. The Performance Excellence Associates footprint has been established beyond North America to Europe and the Middle East … Macedonia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and U.A.E.  With original successes in the U.S. and Canada, Worldwide successes with U.S. Air Defense and U.S. Military Ground Combat Systems, proven practices have demonstrated success around the world. As the requirements grow, need expands, and new demand emerges, Performance Excellence Associates will fulfill this growing demand using the same established, demonstrated and recognized tools, techniques and methods that have proven successful for the past 29 years.

The Beginning

Astrology astronomy outer space big bang solar system planet galaxy creation. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

Complex problem solving, leadership and strategy, and performance improvement were an integral part of Paul Odomirok’s first two careers in Academia and Industry. His first career focused on mathematics and computer science, while his second career was involved with providing NCR products and services, and serving AT&T Bell Labs as an executive coach and performance improvement expert.

In 1994 and 1995, while working with Bells Labs’ Organization Effectiveness Group, Paul gained additional experience in performance problem solving with NCR Executives as part of an executive development program, and also via project assignments with Bell Labs’ Client Companies. In addition, in April 1995, he was invited to participate in the Harvard Business School “The Events And Motivation” (T.E.A.M.) Study championed by Dr. Teresa Amabile.

Leveraging the momentum of the Bell Labs involvement, and the Harvard Business School T.E.A.M. Study, Paul launched People Success Inc. on Sept. 15, 2015, with three projects provided by AT&T Bells Labs. Ultimately in 2005, People Success Inc. evolved into Performance Excellence Associates Inc. which continues to operate today. The corporation is centered on the same cornerstones and foundational elements today, as those established over the past 40 years.

The Past (1995-2024) and the Future


Over the past 29 years, 137 Organizations have been served through more than 300 engagements.  Some of these engagements were a few days, some a few months, but never does a project or program need to last for the duration of over nine to twelve months. At times, clients requested one or more additional projects or programs, but each client engagement, by design, endures an average of a few months, but never more than twelve.

For the next 5 years.

Having been exposed to more than 20 Industries (i.e., Manufacturing and Production, Assembly, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Distribution, Logistics, Supply Chain, Warehousing, Retail, Food Service, Healthcare, Engineering Education, Architecture, Government, Defense, Insurance, Banking, Parcel and Package Delivery, Hydro Electric Power, Commercial Printing, Staffing), it has become evident, the same conditions, needs, wants, and requirements still exist.  Mostly rooted in Paradigm Shifts, Change and Transformation.  The focus for the next five years extends the last 29 years of experience, accomplishment and acquired expertise in solving complex problems, developing leadership and strategic solutions, and improving performance through the use and utilization of proven methods, means and measures.

Back to the original Base … Make Better

After spending some of the time outside North America, it has become obvious, practical and effective to shift the entire focus back on the original base and serve organization to “Make Better”.  There still remains; complex problems to solve, leadership and strategy challenges to address, and performance improvement opportunities to tackle.