Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness … how is that related to Healthcare Affordability?

On July 4th 2018, we’ll celebrate the 242nd anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.  In the second paragraph, a phrase appears … “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”  I ponder its relation to Healthcare Affordability.

Thomas Jefferson’s original draft stated, “We hold these truths to be sacred & undeniable; that all men are created equal & independent, that from that equal creation they derive rights inherent & inalienable, among which are the preservation of life, & liberty, & the pursuit of happiness; … ”

The final approved phraseology came out, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —— ”

Over my lifetime, I have observed and experienced the continuous struggle for the preservation of such truths.  Even today, nearly 250 years later, the Right of Life, the Right of Liberty and the Right of the pursuit of Happiness, seem to be under duress and fire.  There are many sides, and all sides voice support, yet even with a common belief, numerous sides are in conflict with each other.

So I ask … What is a good platform for the pursuit of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness?  Healthcare.

The providers of healthcare and healthcare related services across the Healthcare Enterprise (i.e., Care Providers, Medicine and Pharmaceutical Providers, Machine and Device Providers, Service and Supply Providers, and Insurance and Payment Providers) can pursue Healthcare Affordability by measuring and monitoring Patient Experience, Provider Satisfaction, Supplier Delight, Speed of Care, Quality of Care and Cost of Care.  They can be instituted as goals of excellence.  In fact, studies show (see Deloitte’s latest study results), in this industry, Patient Experience is highly correlated with Quality of Care, Cost of Care and Organization Success.

As we approach July 4th, Healthcare Affordability offers up a corollary of self-evident truths for those involved in the Healthcare Enterprise … “pursue availability and affordability of Health, Freedom and Quality of Life.”   Pursue Healthcare Affordability.

Keep an eye out for “Healthcare Affordability” … to be released later this year (A Taylor and Francis, CRC Publication).