For Healthcare Affordability … Can Healthcare stay silo’d and still achieve Affordability?

With the Healthcare Industry being silo’d in five major areas (i.e., The Care Providers, Pharmaceutical and Medicine Providers, Machine and Device Providers, Service and Supply Providers, Insurance and Payment Providers), can Healthcare Affordability be achieved?

Can Patients, Providers and Suppliers all be satisfied, at the same time care is provided faster, better and more affordable?

Until the industry is completely patient focused, fully integrated, and optimizing the speed and quality of care while reducing cost, the pursuit of Affordability will be futile.

There are some organizations attempting to achieve this by way of mergers and acquisition.

There are others in a quandary in terms of what to do, and how to go about doing it.

This is a territory no-one has gone before … look for the book “Healthcare Affordability” … scheduled for release this year.