Healthcare Affordability … the deployment has begun.

What do Ga. Tech., Va. Tech., U.S.C., U.A.B., Northeastern Univ., Univ. of Illinois, U.I.C., Texas A&M, F.M.U., U.T.A. and Youngstown State all have in common?  Graduate and Undergraduate students of Industrial and System Engineering, and Business Administration, have been introduced to the Theory of Affordability and Healthcare Affordability.

Over the past 10 years, since its inception (i.e., The Theory of Affordability and Healthcare Affordability), I have been discussing the details of how Lean, Six Sigma, Quality, Leadership and Strategy all relate to Affordability.

Now that Affordability (the book) is released (this past December), and the Healthcare Affordability book is being written for release this year, Affordability is available for all to understand.
