Affordability and “The Plumber’s Dilemma”

Affordability success is based upon satisfaction of all types (Customers, Suppliers, People), speed, quality and affordable cost in delivering products and services that meet and exceed expectations and requirements.  Over the years, it seems that a mindset has developed that all of this is not possible, and trade-offs have to be made in one or many of the performance areas.  This can be referred to as the paradigm of the plumber’s dilemma.

The plumber’s dilemma comes from an old vignette … A plumber comes to fix a plumbing problem.  He says, “I can fix that problem.  However, to get it done faster, better and cheaper, you must pick two.  If you want it fast and good, it won’t be cheap.  If you want it fast and cheap, it won’t be good.  If you want it good and cheap, it won’t be fast.”

Affordability is focused on all three.  By removing waste and reducing variation, delivery from the time its ordered until the time its needed is faster.  By stabilizing the process, creating predictability and improving the performance, the product or service ordered is at a higher quality.  While eliminating waste and variation, creating a stable and predictable process with improved performance, the wasted expenses and costs go down.

In fact, Affordability delivers what the customer needs, wants and wishes.  Affordability increases motivation within the workforce, and provides an environment that rewards suppliers with better profits and economic growth.