Over the past several weeks, I’ve been involved with numerous Healthcare Institutions (mostly Hospitals). Like other types of organizations, these institutions have encountered specific challenges that interfere with transformation aimed at improving performance and increasing Affordability. Although these organizations are doing well on their journey, they are aware of the challenges that inhibit progress. For instituting change, some of them are using Lean, some Six Sigma, others are using Quality tools, and even the Macolm Baldrige Criteria. Every one of them are attempting to increase Value, exceed Customer (‘Patient’) expectations, lower cost and expense, and engage their people in improving their workplace.
Over the past 25 years, I have been able to observe and witness, barriers and roadblocks that obstruct and hinder transformation. Below are the 5 primary challenges I’ve defined that prohibit organizations from reaching Affordability. The 5 Primary Affordability Challenges;
Challenge 1: Lack of Clarity of Direction and Alignment. “If you don’t know where you’re going, how are you going to get there?” In addition to direction and alignment, purpose and reason fall into this category. To overcome Challenge 1: Establish reason and purpose, set direction and define alignment, and communicate the transformation message clearly, concisely and regularly. Dr. John Kotter once told me, “Organizations under communicate by a factor of 10.”
Challenge 2: Absence of Leadership Engagement and Integrity. Its unanimity – for organization transformation to be successful, leadership must be directly involved, fully engaged and clearly participating in the change and improvement efforts.
Challenge 3: Failure to adequately Involve People in Solving the Problems of the Organization. The Message – “The Processes and Systems are in need of repair. Leverage the People to Solve the Problems and increase the Performance.”
Challenge 4: Deficient Resources and Tools. Provide the Resources and Tools to accomplish the transformation.
Challenge 5: Poor Design and Weak/Missing Plan. Create a Solution Design, establish a discipline of Planning, and execute a dynamic Plan the meets the needs and requirements as they appear.
Make Better!