With many concepts, theories and frameworks, an architecture and structure is required in order for people to fully understand and comprehend the content and context. Affordability is framed and constructed using what I call; “The House of Affordability”. This structure provides a strategic perspective, an operational viewpoint, as well as a tactical component.
This is the House of Affordability;
The roof contains the core and strategic elements that direct, align, motivate and describe the organization and its purpose.
The columns, or pillars, provide the 3 salient elements that support the reason and worth, the strategy, structure and systems, and the infrastructure of the organization. Value, Customer and Cost comprise the “Triple Aim” of Affordability.
The first step, or top step, is comprised of the attributes, components and tactics for speed and quality.
Stepping down from there is the platform for leadership and management.
Then change and transformation for growth and improvement.
Then creativity and innovation for new and better approaches and techniques, as well as, products and services.
Then finally, the platform or foundation is the base layer upon which everything else rests and resides; People, Process, Performance.
The entire structure leads to achievement, accomplishment and success … including profitability and sustainability.
As the year rolls forward, I will share more of the facts, details and particulars of Affordability.